Yesterday, my dongsaeng graduate from his college. Actually, I'm sooo lazy to go to his convocation bcoz diz week I'm very tired. Lack of sleep. Bz helping my sis before her engagement next week. But, my parents oso not going, so, me n my sister cam kesian plak kat my bro nih. So, kitorang kakak2 yg baek hati lg comel nih pegi la jgk smlam..
Date : 29 March 2009
Place : Institut Aminuddin Baki, Genting Highlands
Time : 2.30 - 5.00 pm
Bunga2 cinta yg dijual di tmpat kejadian..Ni sesi pagi pny convo..Sesi ptang tinggal bape kuntum je..
X gune pon pas tetamu ni sbb sorg je bole msuk dewan..
Time kasih la kpd penaja makanan kami, Kolej Komuniti Rompin..=)
Mase kami sudah berlalu..Terasa diri dah tua..huk3
P/s to my Bro;
Dongsaeng ah, Congratulations on ur Graduation Day. Hope U becoming a better person. And hopefully U got a better job soon. And I will pray for ur success and happiness. Luv u..♥
congrats to your bro... :)
Hua..hua..hua..yeah..beter job for support us to shopping n ronggeng...
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