December 27, 2011

End of 2011

A few more day until we close 2011.......

Wishing the best for 2012.............

Just a short entry from me....................


I'll start blogging again when I feel like blogging again.............hahahaha

September 07, 2011

Sharing is Caring

I just got back from my nutrition club. I have the urge to share this 1 story. I knew this 1 girl named Kanaga before. She's already taking this nutrition for 5 months. She got ketumbuhan pd ovari since 2006 (i dunno wat izit called.-_-) since 2006??. Yeah its already 5 years? Doctors said she cannot get pregnant. Sgt kesian. But today she came and told all of us a good news. No more ketumbuhan after medical check up yesterday. AMAZINGGGGG!!! She's so happy sampai dia tahan nak nanges. Meaning she can pregnant lar!! Saw her very happy I feel so touched. Even ade macik dgr crita dia mengalirkan air mata. Ironically, her husband prevent her from taking this nutrition before but she feels good so she ignored her husband and just continue. And he's husband now also speechless. But still her husband don't want to believe its the good result from taking the good food (nutrition). Lelaki dgn egonye.hehe She said rezeki from Tuhan. Yeah we have different religion but we know the good thing is always from God.:) I came back home with speechless mode.>.<

September 04, 2011

Nutrition 1 2 3

Hi semua,

Dah lame rasenye tak tulis blog ni..So tetiba rase nak tulis sempena bulan raya ni *tetibe*..Tapi tak nak cerita psl raya, tp nak cerita pasal nutrisi 1 2 3..haha

Alkisahnye bermula pabila aku ditahan oleh sorang lenglui and lenchai ni mase aku tgh berlengang kangkung blk dr keje. Tempat kejadian stesen lrt Masjid Jamek. Aku dlm hati, "Adess nak jual brg la ni. Tak pon nak jual insurans." Then minah ni pot pet pot pet cerita psl nutrisi. Kwn dia pon nyampuk sket2. Then dorg ajak aku pg nutrition club dorg dkt area ctu gak la.. Since aku ni jenis suka dengar salesman n salesgirl membebel (tp akhirnya aku mmg slalu x beli pon), plus aku takde ape nak dikejarkan kalo smp rumah awal pon, so aku ikut je la. Nak tau gak ape dorg buat. Kalau korg nak tau tak kurang 50 orang jual insurans yang aku layan. Dgr je la dorg pot pet pot pet tp 1 insurans pon aku tak hamek.hahaha. It doesn't hurt to listen to what others say!

Then sampai kelab nutrisi ni dorang pon cerita dgn lebih lanjut ape nutrisi ni. Aku pon dengar je la. Pastu dengar macam2 testimonial orang dalam kelab tu. Tak la besar sgt kelab nye, kecik je tp dorang sgt friendly. Aku nak cerita balik ape dorg ckp pon tak bole. Banyak sangat. Aku pon da lupa banyak.hahaha.

Last skali dorang tanya, nak cuba tak nutrisi ni?. Hmm..setelah berfikir tak berapa nak panjang aku pon try je la. Since dia sejenis makanan/minuman so aku tak rugi pape kot kalo try. 1 meal tu berharga rm15.50, ade 3 gelas. Tula namenye nutrisi 1, 2, 3. Aku pon minum la segala jadah yang dorang serve tu. Mau x kenyang kena 4 glass air plus air kosong. Tp yg no. 3 tu aku suka je sbb shake chocolate.hahaha

Then esoknye aku mcm dah rasa laen. Bkn laen ape, aku rasa lbh energy. Maklumla, selalunye naek lrt dr Sentul ke Kelana Jaya (ye ye aku tau jauh. 1000 org dah kate jauh >.<) kompom aku tido dlm lrt. Tp ni aku tak tido pon. Mate siap terbeliak lg tgok org. Perghh, rase hebat kejap.hahaha. Tapi aku tak terpikir pon sbb nutrisi yg aku minum semalam. Then bila balik keje tu rase hati nak singgah je pegi kelab tu, bkn sbb aku suka nutrisi tu ke hape tp aku suka suasana kelab tu.XD

Bila hari ke-2 makin byk cerita aku dgr. Aku berkenalan la dgn sorg ni, nama dia Erin. Saje nak dgr cerita dia. Dia ckp sebelum ni dia ade sakit belakang (dlm hati aku pon sama..psstt, org keje opis mmg slalu sakit blakang kalo dok atas krusi je). Pastu dia ckp tiap2 bulan dia senggugut (dlm hati, aku pon sama..tahap kronik dah kot smp tergolek2 kat tepi jln). Then dia ckp dah 4 minggu dia makan, semua masalah kesihatan pon dah takde, plus dia lost 5 kg gitu. Tetiba aku excited la. Maklumla kalau nama perempuan, kompom nak jaga badan kan. Aku tny dia ape tips. Dia cakap ikut je cakap coach. (jwpn tak memberangsangkan sungguh..haha)

Tapi skang aku end up makan nutrisi ni dah masuk 2 bulan kot. Spt erin gak sakit belakang aku dah takde, senggugut pon dah takde. Then sbb mak aku ade macam2 penyakit, aku pon suruh mak aku try. Mane tau dgn izin Allah, penyakit dia berkurang. Dia pon kate sakit lutut dah kurang. Alhamdulillah.

Eh chop!! Bukannye aku nak kate nutrisi 1 2 3 ni mengubati segala jenis penyakit, jangan salah paham ye. Tp spt yg kite tau, kebanyakan penyakit berpunca dpd ape yang kita makan seharian. Betol tak? Tapi since kita bagi badan kita nutrisi secukupnya, (rendah lemak, cukup protein bagai) of kos badan kita bertindak dgn baik. And since aku pg hari2 kelab tu kesedaran terhadap kesihatan juga bertambah. Macam2 info dorg share yg sebelum ni aku tak pernah terpikir pon. Maklum la umur pon makin meningkat kan, kena la jaga sebelom terlambat. Bak kate sorg makcik yang aku kenal ni, dia slalu ckp kat kitorg "Health is wealth." Saya setuju makcik!!haha

So skang ni kelab nutrisi tu dah jadi tempat lepak aku setiap kali balik keje.. Pegi ngeteh jap then balik umah. Tempat release tension pon jadi. Sabtu ahad aku x pegi la sbb malas.haha. Lg pon ahad tutup.haha. Sape nak ikot saya pegi next time, jom laa..kekeke

August 07, 2011

Don't Let Go! by Jay Park

I am so into this song right now. How sweet this song as a confession.^^

Just a warm greet~^^


May 23, 2011

Full of Kpop Events

Hey, its been a long time since the last update. I was so busy with work and life.XD

With all the KPOP acts coming to town, I was busier than before.kkk. This 1st half year also full of concerts, showcases, fan meeting, autograph session and other events. For a music lover and kpop fan like me, all these events is like 'there's always rainbow after the rain '.lol -->i don't think the quote match but I know u get me, right?hahaha. I meant its really working when u want to release your stress. By screaming your lungs out at the concert!!!!!XD.

Here is the summary of the half 2011

13 Jan - KPOP Party (BEAST, 4MINUTE, G.NA)
19 Mac - Super Show 3 (SUPER JUNIOR)
10 Apr - RAIN
29 Apr - MAROON 5
30 Apr - SE7EN
20 May - 2AM
28 May - SUJU M

And more coming to town. JangGeunSeuk, U-KISS, BEAST(again),BIG BANG, SHINEE,2PM..Some of the events not confirm yet but still...#$%^&*()_(*&^%$#@..I should plant 'money tree' after this!!!

Don't be surprised..I did not attend all the events since its too many acts + damn pricey..Some of them I paid my own money to go there, and some of them I was involved as a staff/media. Thats pretty much an experience u know. Since I'm working in the office, meeting new people while handling the event is a fresh experience for me.

Many people said, you're so lucky to be a staff for this kind of events. Not really. Of course there's a pro and contra. The pro is 'Yes, u have upclose with the artist u like, talked to them and blablabla' but then the contra is 'You cannot act like a fan.Behave!Behave!Behave!'. So, my suggestion is, if you really wanna involves in this kind of event, please make sure you're not a die hard fan of the artist. (Happened to me when I was a staff for Jay's showcase.Its hard to be a staff+fangirl at the same time. I was afraid he was uncomfortable if I act like a fan, but I am a fan plus I need to show my professionalism lol and I end up being stupid in front of him.@#$%^*&^%$#).

Oh its time to continue working! Forgive my randomness!hahaha

April 17, 2011

Take Care of My Girlfriend Chapter 21

Chapter 21 : Hyuna’s Plan

Hyuna walked out of the elevator and headed toward the President’s office. Her footsteps dragging on the carpet floor of the Cube Building, a feeling of dread that is too familiar came up in her stomach and she tried her best to ignore it.

Her mind traveled back to what happened earlier in Beast’s dorm, how Kikwang had asked Junhyung to withdraw for Beast-- all because of her. It was something that she couldn’t let happen, especially when the whole situation ultimately was her fault. No matter how she rolled the dice it all came back to her. If she had been honest with everyone, honest with herself in the first place, none of this would have happened and none of them would have been put in this situation.

She finally reached the door of the office and reached for the doorknob. She was dreading what she was about to do. Her members were really going to be angry at her and she doesn’t blame them. She turned the doorknob and was surprised to find it locked. She peeked inside the window and found the office to be dark.

“Hyuna? What are you doing?” she turned around to find the manager looking at her strangely.

“Oh I was looking for the President. I need to talk to him about something important.”

“The President is on vacation. He won’t be back until the day after tomorrow. Sorry Hyuna. Was it important? Maybe I can help.” Hyuna shook her head.

“No. it’s fine. I’ll just wait until he gets back. Thanks.” she started to head back.

“Are you alright Hyuna? Are you sure I can’t help you?” the manager asked, concerned about Hyuna. Hyuna shook her head and then walked away. I’m going to leave Cube and no one can know about it yet.


Gayoon threw her phone on her bed in anger. She had plans to meet up with Yoseob for dinner tonight but he seemed to drop off the face of the earth. She must have called him a hundred times but all those calls just went straight to voicemail. Seriously, where the hell was he? She was not a patient person and when she finds out where Yoseob is, she is going to throw him to the wall. Well not really since Yoseob always had a way to calm her anger down.

Suddenly her phone rang and she jumped to answer it, thinking it was Yoseob.

“HELLO??!!” her face went from anticipation to disappointment when she realized that it wasn’t Yoseob calling her, instead it was Hyungseung. “Oh hi.” She hoped he wouldn’t notice the disappointment.

“Dinner? Um. Sure. Ok see you then.” she hung up the phone and sighed sadly. It seemed like Yoseob wouldn’t be accompanying her to dinner and Hyungseung did ask her to dinner. She had been spending too much time with Yoseob lately and completely ignoring Hyungseung. Not that she owed him anything. They weren’t even dating, for god’s sake. And lately the more she thought about it, she saw herself with Yoseob more. She didn’t know when all these feelings for the blond boy came from or how it was so possible for her to feel so much for the boy in such a short amount of time. Maybe the feelings have always been there, buried deep within her and spending time with Yoseob sparked those feelings to come out.

All she knew for sure was that she didn’t want to be in a love triangle. She did NOT want what Hyuna, Kikwang and Junhyung have. It was too much trouble for her and she was a simple girl.

She sighed to herself and checked her phone once more and finally giving in to her desire to call Yoseob one more time in a futile attempt before heading to the bathroom to get ready for dinner.


Yoseob checked his phone again and sighed. It was literally killing him to ignore Gayoon’s calls. He checked the clock one more time. Six o’ clock. The time he was supposed to meet her for dinner. He felt like a jerk, just ditching her like this but he knew it was necessary. Beast is already in a huge mess with Junhyung and Kikwang and he didn’t need to be adding to it.

Doojoon was taking this really hard, trying to think of any way to fix it. But that was Doojoon, always blaming himself for things that are out of his control. Hopefully Jihyun would be able to help him. She always knew how to make him feel better and Yoseob was thankful for that and for her.

His phone rang again and Gayoon’s name flashed across the screen. He groaned loudly and finally decided to turn the phone off. He headed into the living room, which was now deserted after what had taken place earlier. Kikwang and Junhyung had disappeared off the face of the earth after their confrontation, Doojoon was with Jihyun and Dongwoon went to visit Sohyun. So all that was left in the dorm was him and……..

“Hey.” he jumped slightly at the voice and patted his chest to calm himself down.

“Hey hyung. Where are you going?” Hyungseung was putting on his jacket and Yoseob wondered where he was headed out to.

“I’m having dinner with Gayoon. I just really need to get out of here after what happened…. you know.” Yoseob nodded awkwardly. So Gayoon was having dinner with Hyungseung tonight. He didn’t know how he felt about that but he forced himself to be ok with it.

“Have fun.” he said softly and went back inside the bedroom. He laid down on his bed and cuddled his teddy bear. Everything was such a mess right now and he only hoped things would get better, for everyone.


Doojoon closed his eyes in comfort in the arms of his beautiful girlfriend. Seriously, this was the only place where he felt calm--where he could pretend everything was alright, even just for a moment. Jihyun stroked his hair softly, each stroke filled with love and concern for the stressed out leader. Doojoon had told her everything and her heart broke for him.

“It will be alright.” she whispered and Doojoon clenched his hold on her tighter, as if his life depended on it.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do. I mean Junhyung withdrawing? It’s unthinkable.” Doojoon said.

“Maybe Kikwang will change his mind. Maybe he said it out of anger and wasn’t thinking straight.”

“You didn’t see the anger in Kikwang’s eyes. I’ve known him since JYP and I’ve never seen him this angry. I don’t think he’ll change his mind anytime soon. He made it clear that he didn’t want to be in the same group as Junhyung and gave Junhyung until the end of the week to withdraw.”

“It’s still a few days away. You never know what’s going to happen.”

“Junhyung is going to withdraw Jihyun. He’s that type of person. He’s beating himself over what happened and he’s going to do whatever it takes to make it better. Even if it means leaving Beast. Damn it! How the hell did everything get here?”

“It’s a really screwed up situation but please Doojoon, don’t hate Hyuna.” Jihyun pleaded. She would hate for Hyuna to be misunderstood in the whole situation. After all, everyone involved was trying to do what they thought was right at the time, not seeing the tangled mess they were making. But still Hyuna was still her member, her little sister and it was only her natural instinct as the leader and an unnie to protect Hyuna.

“I’m not mad at Hyuna. I don’t think anyone is. Not me, not any of the members, not Junhyung and not even Kikwang. They both love her too much to be angry with her. But you know who’s going to be mad at her?” Jihyun shook her head.

“Herself.” Doojoon answered. “When she finds out about everything, she’s the one that is going to be the hardest on herself. And Jihyun, you should help her out.”

Jihyun nodded. “I understand.”

“I’m sorry I’m releasing all my baggage to you. I’m probably adding to your stress aren’t I?” Jihyun shook her head fervously.

“Oppa, I love you. Your problems are my problems too. I’m here to listen.” Doojoon kissed Jihyun’s hair, breathing deeply.

“I love you too.”


Hyuna opened the door to her dorm and found Doojoon and Jihyun in an embrace on the couch. She didn’t want to disturb them and didn’t want them to see her. She knew that Jihyun would be able to tell in an instant that something was wrong with Hyuna and she wasn’t ready to tell Jihyun the truth. So she tried her best to sneak in to their bedroom.

“Hey.” Jihyun called out and Hyuna cursed quietly at her failed attempt and turned around.

“Hey unnie. Hi oppa.” Doojoon smiled back at her then exchanged a few glances with Jihyun. Hyuna knew exactly what they were doing. They were trying to decide whether or not they should tell her about Junhyung leaving Beast. Finally she saw Doojoon take a deep breath.

“Hyuna, we need to tell you something.” Doojoon said and motioned for her to come closer and sit on the couch. She hesitantly walked over and sat down next to them.

“Um, Kikwang and Junhyung….they got in a fight today about…they were in a fight about your relationship.” Doojoon started. “it got pretty heated and um, I just thought you should know that Junhyung is withdrawing from Beast by the end of the week.”

Hyuna sat there, not knowing how to respond. She already knew of this info but Doojoon and Jihyun didn’t know that. They also didn’t know about her plan to stop that from happening by her leaving 4minute and Cube and moving back to her hometown instead. Leaving all this behind…all of it. It was a coward thing to do but honestly, she didn’t know how else to solve this.

She figured that she was the reason why everything is such a mess and if she wasn’t here, things would go back to normal. Her members would be hurt that she left but she knew they’ll be alright…eventually. Kikwang will eventually forgive Junhyung and they both can forget about her and take over the k-pop industry together as Beast. And her? Well, she left once before so she already knows how it felt and how to handle it. She can handle it. Junhyung can’t.

Then she realized that Doojoon and Jihyun were staring at her, waiting for her reaction. So she just stared at them, feigning shock and horror. “I’m sorry.” Doojoon said, rubbing her arms in comfort while Jihyun just watched her, with a strange and curious look on her face.

“Oh my god.” she replied. “I can’t believe it.”

“Hyuna-ah, are you ok?” Jihyun asked, her eyebrows furrowed. Hyuna shook her head. “Why don’t you go get some rest? You look like you could use it.” Jihyun motioned for Hyuna to the bedroom. Hyuna stood up and went inside their bedroom, happy to be getting away from Jihyun’s prying gaze.

“That was strange.” Doojoon said, confused about Hyuna’s reaction or more appropriately, her lack of reaction. He was expecting her to cry, whine and run out the dorm, trying to lock Junhyung and Kikwang in a room so they both can’t leave. But the strangely calm Hyuna was a bizarre and unexpected sight. Her attempt to look shocked was transparent.

“She’s up to something.” Jihyun said, simply. “I know her and she’s planning something. There is no way she would have just taken that kind of news that lightly, especially since it involves Junhyung.”

“You think so?” Jihyun nodded confidently.

“I’m positive. I think she already found out about it. That means she probably already came up with a way to stop it too. The question is how is she planning on stopping it?”

“You don’t think she’s going to ask Kikwang to make Junhyung stay, do you?” Doojoon asked, panic rising in him a little. Hyuna with a plan usually means trouble, especially because she’s still young and very rash in her decisions.

“I don’t know. I don’t know what she’s going to do.” Jihyun answered, clueless about how to get everyone out of this situation, Beast and 4minute intact.


Gayoon took another bite of her salad and almost gagged. She hated being on a diet but she was determined to lose weight by the time of their comeback. She has been having chicken for lunch/dinner everyday for over a month. She missed food. Junk food.

“Are you ok?” Hyungseung asked, looking up from his steak. Gayoon looked at his steak longingly, wanting to just lunge across the table and ravish the steak whole. She nodded sadly.

“I hate salad.” she admitted and Hyungseung chuckled.

“But it’s good for you. Didn’t you say you wanted to lose weight?” Hyungseung asked.

“Yeah but it’s so hard.” she complained, eyeing his steak once again.

“Well who said it was going to be easy. Just eat the salad. It’s not that bad.” Gayoon pouted, a little anger boiling inside of her. Yoseob would not have reacted like this. He would have comforted her, and maybe even cut of a piece of steak for her.

”It’s just a piece of steak. A little piece. It’s not going to ruin your diet. Beside you’re already beautiful, I don’t even know why you’re on a diet anyway.” Gayoon imagined Yoseob saying.

“Are you thinking about something?” Hyungseung asked, putting his phone down. Gayoon looked at his cellphone. He had been on it all night, texting someone.

“No. I’m not.” Gayoon answered. “So what is the rest of the guys doing tonight?”

“You didn’t hear?”

“Hear what?” Gayoon asked, now full of curiosity since Hyungseung’s face suddenly went serious. “What’s wrong?”

“Junhyung and Kikwang had a fight today. Kikwang caught Junhyung kissing Hyuna and he asked Junhyung to withdraw from Beast.” Gayoon’s mouth gaped in shock.

“Kikwang wasn’t serious right? I mean, I’m sure that was just said in the spur of the moment.” Gayoon was now full of worried, suddenly not hungry anymore.

“I don’t think so. I really think Junhyung is going to leave. Kikwang gave him until the end of the week to leave. And now we don’t know what to do and how to fix it. All we can do is hope Kikwang will change his mind.”

“Wow. That is just…wow.” Gayoon’s thoughts suddenly rushed to her, Yoseob and Hyungseung. She suddenly felt like they were in Junhyung/Hyuna/Kikwang position, just a few steps behind.

She was willing to make the decision just fine. She knew who she liked and she knew perfectly well who she wanted to be with. And if she had any idea how Yoseob feel about her, she was willing to choose between Yoseob and Hyungseung just fine.

Maybe that is what she should do. Find out what are Yoseob’s feelings for her are. She knew she wasn’t imagining how he felt towards her, he had feelings for her. She was sure of it. At least, she hoped he did. She needed to talk to him. ASAP.

“Um, do you mind if we cut the dinner short? I have to go somewhere really important.” Gayoon said. Hyungseung thought that it was because Gayoon wanted to see Hyuna so he agreed.

“Sure. I’ll get the check right now.” Hyungseung signaled the waiter over and paid the check.

The two headed out of the restaurant and headed back home.

“Thanks for the ride and thanks for the dinner.” Gayoon said as she got out of the van. Hyungseung just smiled and nodded. “No problem.”

“I’ll see you later. Um, are you going straight home?” Hyunseung shook his head.

“No, I’m gonna stop by somewhere for a while.” Gayoon waved goodbye and headed back into her dorms.

She took out her phone and called Yoseob again. And once again, he didn’t pick up. She was getting impatient with him now. She needed to talk to him and get this matter out right now. She decided to just go to Beast’s dorm right there and then and talk it out with him.

She hugged her jacket tighter to her body and headed to Beast’s dorm.

“Mom. I love you. Thanks for understanding and supporting me all the time.” Hyuna cried into her phone. “Looks like I’ll be home for your birthday after all.” she hung up her phone and looked around the room. The room that she shared with 4minute, her best friends in the world. A tear slid down her face as she thought about leaving them. She didn’t even know how she was going to tell them.

But as soon as President Lee comes back from his vacation, she’s officially going to leave Cube and go back to Busan. Of course, she was going to use her stomach problem as an excuse. That way she knew that no one will be asking her extensive questions on her sudden desire to leave.


Gayoon knocked on the door several times and was met with no answer. Luckily, she knew Beast’s security code. She typed it in and opened the door quietly. She entered the dorm and saw that it was completely empty. It was chilly and cold and super quiet. The atmosphere felt like there was a cold war that just happened.

She looked around and found no one. She was disappointed and turned back to leave when she suddenly heard noises coming from the bedroom. She walked closer and listened at the door.

“Gosh, Yoseob. Just call her man!! Yes. Call her…NO! Urgh!!” she heard his voice. She knocked and opened the bedroom door and found Yoseob lying on his bed with the phone in his hands.

“GAYOON!!” Yoseob immediately got up and climbed down the bunkbed stair. “What are you doing here?”

Gayoon actually lost her voice for a while. She had heard him contemplation whether or not he should call her. “I called you a million times you know.” she said when she finally got her voice back.

Yoseob looked down and nodded. “Yeah. I know.”

“Why didn’t you pick up? Were you really that annoyed by me?” Yoseob immediately shook his head fervously.

“NO! that’s not the reason.”

“Then why didn’t you pick up my calls? And why did you ditch me tonight?” Gayoon wanted answers and she wanted them now. Yoseob avoided her eyes and sat down on one of the beds. Gayoon walked over and took a seat of the bed next to him.

“Yoseob, just tell me the truth.” Yoseob finally met her eyes and smiled sadly.

“I don’t know. I just had a lot to think about.”
“About what?”

“About us. You, me, Hyungseung. The problem with Hyuna, Kikwang and Junhyung. What Kikwang said earlier. Just everything.”

“What did Kikwang say?” Yoseob’s mind flashed back to the encounter with Kikwang earlier and how Kikwang said that Yoseob was backstabbing Hyungseung. Just that look in Kikwang’s eyes shook him so hard and he knew he couldn’t bare to see the same look in Hyungseung’s eyes. That cold glare was chilling.

“He said…he said that I was backstabbing Hyungseung.” Yoseob finally said. Gayoon was taken aback. She knew that Yoseob was sensitive and he regarded his friendship as most important above everything else.

“But Kikwang’s wrong.” Gayoon replied. “You’re not backstabbing anyone. Look, I know there is a problem right now with Beast but Kikwang and Junhyung’s situation is completely different from ours. Hyuna and Kikwang are dating. I’m not dating Hyungseung.”

“But still, he likes you.”

“The question is do you?” Gayoon asked straight out, staring straight into Yoseob’s eyes.


Hyuna zipped the bag and pushed it underneath their bunk beds. She packed most of her stuff already and hid all the bags under the beds. That way the other won’t be too suspicious. With her items mostly packed, not to the point where things would be obvious, Hyuna walked outside the bedroom. She looked around to find her dorms empty, her alone in the house.

She decided to take a walk and go to the park, one of her favorite places that she has to leave behind soon. She put on her jacket to shield herself from the cold and headed out the dorm.

The night was so beautiful. It was cold but there was hint of spring coming soon. She finally arrived at the park and headed straight for the swings. Ever since she came to Seoul when she was in JYP, this was her favorite place to come to. Whenever the stress of training or the stress of being an idol got to be too much, coming to the park and just swinging drove her troubles away. And she was hoping it would be the same tonight.

However, as soon as she got there the sight of someone already sitting on the swing, just idly swinging made her froze in her steps. She immediately knew who it was and knew that her troubles weren’t going away tonight.

She was deciding whether to turn around and just leave when the person suddenly turned around and spotted her.

“Hyuna.” he said quietly.

“Kikwang!” she breathed out.

End of chapter 21.

End of Chapter Twenty. (Credits to

April 04, 2011

Take Care of My Girlfriend Chapter 20

Chapter 20 :

The six members of Beast sat down solemly on the floor, Kikwang sitting farthest away from Junhyung with Doojoon and Dongwoon in the middle, ready to intervene in case of any physical altercation. Yoseob was sitting, facing his back to the wall, still reeling from Kikwang’s comment.

He had been talking to Gayoon more lately and had been spending more time with her. But he didn’t even realize how much until Kikwang had pointed it out. And now he felt so guilty because Kikwang was right. Hyungseung liked Gayoon and Yoseob knew that. He had been trying to ignore that whenever he was with Gayoon, relishing in the fact that Gayoon seemed to like him more or how she never seemed to mention Hyungseung or how she tried to change the subject whenever someone mentions Hyungseung.

But what Kikwang said was a wake up call to him. He looked at the rapper who was sitting, his face filled with unintelligible pain, and he looked at Kikwang who was still fuming in anger. He didn’t want to end up like them, he didn’t want to go through the pain that Junhyung had been going through and he definetly didn’t want Hyungseung to look at him the way Kikwang looked at Junhyung. He decided right then that he needed to stop seeing Gayoon, no matter how platonic it might be, he need to stop talking to her and spend some much time with her.

“So who wants to start?” Doojoon asked but no one looked up. “Fine, then as a leader, I will. We have a problem here guys.”

“Obviously.” Dongwoon said but quieted down when Doojoon glared at him, signaling that now was not the time to joke around.

“It’s simple Doojoon.” Kikwang spoke up. “Junhyung kissed my girlfriend. He screwed up. He’s a douche bag who is a backstabber. Simple as that.”

“Kikwang!” Doojoon intercepted. “I know you’re angry but come on.”

“I’m a little more than angry. She is my girlfriend Hyung. He knew how I felt about her. I asked him for permission before I asked her out and he agreed. He was too big of a chicken to ask her out himself and when I’m dating her, he went after her. I’ve been keeping this in for too long now!!”

“Calm down Kikwang.” Hyungseung stepped in. “ Actually it’s our fault. Me and Doojoon are the hyungs and we knew about this a long time ago. We should have done something and helped you guys solve this problem out earlier. Don’t be mad at him Kikwang. Be mad at me.”

“Stop.” Junhyung finally spoke out. “It’s no one’s fault but my own. I was the one who screwed up here. I was the one who kissed Hyuna, I was the one who was still pining for her after I knew her and Kikwang was dating. Kikwang, you should punch me again.”

Junhyung stood up and opened his arms, waiting for Kikwang to punch him. Kikwang stood up also, clenched his fist.

“Kikwang!” Doojoon yelled out but Kikwang swung his arms anyway. Junhyung closed his eyes, getting ready for the impact that Kikwang’s fist was going to make with his face. But the punch never came. He slowly opened his eyes to find Kikwang’s arms by his side and him breathing harshly.

“You’re not worth it.” Kikwang said softly, heading for the door.

“Then what can I do to make it better?” Junhyung yelled out, stopping Kikwang. “Come on, just tell me what I can do to make things right? Do you want me to never talk to Hyuna again? What? There has to be something that I can do.” Junhyung begged

“There’s nothing you can do to make things right. that’s the thing about screwing things up. You can’t ever fix it.”

“Come on!” Junhyung begged. “I’ll do anything to make it better. There has to be something.”

Suddenly Kikwang stopped walking and turned around. “You want to make it better?”

Junhyung nodded. He had been beating himself up about this. He wanted to make it all better. He loved Hyuna but he also loved Kikwang. This time he would really give up Hyuna, completely let her go just like how he intended to the first time.

“Fine, you want to make it better. Then get out.” Kikwang stated.

Junhyung was surprised as were the rest of the members. “What?” Doojoon asked, wanting to make sure if he heard Kikwang right.

“You heard me. Get out. Get out of Beast. Withdraw. That’s the only thing you can do to make things better.”

“Kikwang,man you don’t mean that.” Hyungseung stated. Doojoon and the rest were too much in shock to say anything.

“Hell yeah. I meant that. You heard me Junhyung. You have until the end of the week to withdraw from Beast. I can’t be in the same group as a backstabbing coward like you. You got that?” Kikwang challenged.

Junhyung slowly nodded, agreeing to Kikwang’s term. “I’m really sorry and I meant that. I get it, you can’t forgive me so if you want me to leave Beast, then I will. I’ll tell President Lee that I’ll be leaving.” Junhyung said, heading toward their room to pack. “But do me a favor, don’t tell Hyuna that you ask me to leave. Don’t tell her anything at all.”

Junhyung headed inside their room and shut the door. The rest of the members just stood there, wondering how they could make things better and trying to find any way to fix it. How are they going to survive without Junhyung?

Outside their dorms stood Hyuna, who heard everything that went down with the six Beasts. She held the paper tightly in her hands, her hands that was now trembling from shock and pain. She had been there to show Junhyung her tattoo design but never had she ever expected to run into something this horrible.

She felt horrible knowing that the guys were fighting over this matter, pushing the blame onto themselves. When the truth is that it was all her fault. She was the one who had been so confused about her feelings, who had been stringing both of these guys around just because she couldn’t make a decision. Actually she knew who her heart belongs to a long time ago but she didn’t do anything about it. And now the two guys she cared the most for in the world is hurting because of her.

She wiped her falling tears and headed back to her dorms. Junhyung was withdrawing from Beast? That was something Hyuna couldn’t let happen. Not especially since she knew how it felt leaving, how painful it was. She wouldn’t let that happen to Junhyung. She knew what she had to do. She was going to make things right, once and for all.

All she can hope is that her members can forgive her for what she was about to do.

End of Chapter Twenty. (Credits to

February 08, 2011

Take Care of My Girlfriend Chapter 19

Chapter 19 :

Gayoon opened the door to the studio and looked around for a certain blonde boy. Her face lit up as she saw him hunched over the desk, practicing a new song. She walked over to him and lightly put her hands on his shoulder, careful of not to scare him.

“Hey.” the blonde boy looked up at the voice and a smile came over his face as he put down the song and turned his chair around.
“Hey.” Gayoon sat down on the couch next to the chair.

“Practicing again?” Yoseob nodded.
“Yeah we have a new song for our new album.” Gayoon read the lyrics over.

“Wow. Take Care of My Girlfriend. Nice title.”
“Yeah. It’s my favorite song. Junhyung actually wrote the whole song by himself.” Gayoon’s eyes widen.
“Really? I thought he usually wrote the rap only. Wow. These lyrics are deep. He must have been going through something really bad.”
“I think we all know where he got the inspiration from.” Gayoon nodded, agreeing with Yoseob.

“You know, I tried to stay out of it. It’s something Kikwang, Hyuna and Junhyung should figure out for themselves. I don’t think the rest of the members have any idea what’s going on. So anyway I came to look for you for a reason.”
“Really?” Yoseob’s eyes lit up. “Do you have a present for me? Gimme Gimme!” Yoseob jumped in anticipation. Gayoon laughed at the action and got out a package from her purse.
“Here. When we went to Phillippines, I found the dried mangos that you love so much so I bought the whole big bag.” Yoseob grabbed the bag from Gayoon’s hands and kissed it hard.

“Thank you.” The boy cheered. “That’s why I love you Gayoon.” Gayoon blushed at his words. “But not as much as I love these mangoes.”
“Yah!! How can you love those mangoes more than you love me?” Gayoon pouted. Aegyo was not her thing but being around Yoseob brings out all different sides of her.
“Ok ok. I love you, way more than the mangoes.” Yoseob mumbled as he stuffed a bunch of dried mango in his mouth.
“I love you too.” Gayoon whispered but Yoseob didn’t hear it since he was too focused on eating.


Kikwang ran down the hallway of Cube, searching for Junhyung. Kikwang had a plan and he was going to go through with it, no matter what happens next. He ran past several room where trainees were practicing and ran past the recording studio. He paused for a while, seeing Yoseob and Gayoon in there, laughing their heads off at something like it’s the funniest thing they see. Kikwang looked through the window and flinched as he saw Yoseob caressed Gayoon’s finger.

Caressed, not in a friendly oh-you’re-so-cute way but in a I-think-I-like-you way and for some reason, Kikwang’s anger boiled at the sight. Seriously, what was wrong with everyone? Don’t they have any loyalty left? Kikwang immediately thought of Hyungseung, wondering if he knew that Yoseob and Gayoon were getting so closer, day by day.

But he forced himself to look away and shift his focus back onto his plan. He already had one backstabbing member on his hand, he didn’t want to involve himself in Hyungseung/Gayoon/Yoseob triangle, although they seemed clueless that there even is a love triangle.

He finally found the rapper in the dance practice room, working on the choreography for their new song. Kikwang took a deep breath and walked in in the room and watched Junhyung dance. After the last note of Shock ebbed away, Junhyung finally turned his attention to him and Kikwang threw a towel at him.
“Thanks.” Junhyung wiped his sweat off and took a seat on the floor next to Kikwang.
“Good job.”
“Oh. Yeah. Prepix has killer choreo.”
“yeah. I really should practice more but you know when you have a girlfriend, she comes first.”

Kiwang noticed Junhyung tensed for a millisecond but quickly returned to normal. He smirked to himself.

“So you’ve been practicing a lot lately. You need to go out more and have fun.”
“Nah.” Junhyung replied. “The comeback is more important. Besides, I missed a lot since I was promoting Change with Hyuna.”
“But you got to take a break sometimes, man. I got an idea, how about we go out tonight? Just you and me.”

Junhyung raised his eyebrows. “Where?”
“I heard there was a party tonight. We can go there.”
“What about the others?”

“They can come if they want to. The person I want to be there is you. So come on. What do you say man?”
“Fine. I guess. But I don’t want to stay too long.”
“Whatever. Why don’t you get back to practicing. I’m gonna go.” Kikwang got up and left the rapper alone.

Kikwang closed the door and sighed to himself. He needed to make sure that his plan was going to go perfectly. He had a phone call to make.


“Oh. Sorry. I didn’t know you were here.” Hyuna opened the door to the dance room to find Junhyung sitting on the floor, wiping his sweat off. “I’m gonna go.”
“No. stay.” Junhyung found himself saying. Hyuna smiled and took a seat next to Junhyung.

“So what are you doing here?” Junhyung asked. Then his expression went from a tired one to a concerned one when he saw Hyuna. “Are you ok?”
Hyuna smiled sadly. “Yeah. I just talked to my mom. I’m just a little homesick.”

“Is she ok?”
“Yeah. She’s fine. Everyone’s fine. I just miss her a lot. Her birthday is coming up soon and I can’t even go back home for it. We have schedule all next week. It’s just around those times, I just want to be back home.”

Junhyung smiled in understanding. “I know what you mean. I miss my family too. Especially my mom. You know when I was living at home, she would nag at me a lot.”
“So that’s where you got your nagging from.” Hyuna teased, hoping to lightened the mood. Junhyung glared at her a little and soon broke into a smile.
“Yah!” He pouted. “Like I was saying, I never realized how much I miss her nagging until she wasn’t there to nag at me anymore.”

“So you’re saying, if you stopped nagging, we’re going to miss it?” Hyuna thought about it for a while. “Nah, I don’t think so.”
“Yah, so what? You’re not going to miss me if I’m gone?”
“of course I would.” Hyuna replied quickly. “I don’t know what I would do if…anyway, I want to get something really nice for my mom. Any suggestion?”

“What? You seem to be thinking of something.”
“Yeah. But I don’t think you’ll like it.”
“Tell me.” Hyuna pulled on Junhyung’s sleeves, begging him to tell her what he was thinking about.

“Ok ok. Geez, you’re impossible.”
“You know you love me.” Hyuna retorted as Junhyung could only smile. “So tell me, you seem to have a great idea.”
“I was just thinking of what I wanted to do. You know how I always wanted to get a tattoo right?”

“Yeah since forever. So?”
“I was going to get one but I had no idea what kind I should get. But hearing you talk about your mom, it gives me a great idea. I think I want to get a tattoo about my mom.”
“Really? That’s so cool. But what do it have to do with me?”

“I was thinking you can get one too. For your mom’s birthday present. You know, dedicate it to your mom.” Hyuna stared at Junhyung and suddenly her eyes lit up.
“Omo, Oppa. That’s such a great idea. A tattoo dedicated to my mother. You know she has a tattoo too so I’m totally sure she’ll love it.” Junhyung smiled.

“Glad to know I can help.”
“But would the President let me, let us have a tattoo?”
“We can get permission. But I’m sure he will. He’s lenient on stuff like these. Not like other Presidents.”
“Let’s go ask him right now.”

“Right now? I’m sweating.” Hyuna wouldn’t take no for an answer and pulled Junhyung up and dragged him to the President’s office, excited about their tattoos.


“Come on, man. Look more excited will you?” Kikwang was literally dragging Junhyung out of the van and into an unknown building. Junhyung growled at Kikwang, shrugging himself off from Kikwang’s strong grip. He made a mental note to himself to work out more so he wouldn’t be so weak.

“Where is this?” Junhyung asked as he looked up the building. He was pretty sure that it was one of the idol’s dorm seeing as how there are other several idols that lives in the same building. But he had no idea where Kikwang was dragging him off to. He just wanted to go in, drink a little and go home so he can wallow in self -pity and think of ideas for what his tattoo should say.

“It’s a surprise. Come on. Man hurry up.” they entered the elevator and Kikwang pressed the button for the 13th floor. The ride up there was quiet, Junhyung was dozing off and Kikwang was twitching in nervousness. Finally they arrived at their destination and stepped off the elevator.

“This way.” Kikwang led the way and knocked on the door. Junhyung raised his eyebrows in confusion. Kikwang had said that there was a party but it was too quiet for there to be a party and there weren’t enough shoes outside the door. Something was up.

Finally the door opened and Junhyung was face to face with smiling Hyomin. She quickly opened the door and gestured the two guys in. Junhyung immediately turned his fiery gaze towards Kikwang who had an innocent look on his face.

“Kikwang.” He growled quietly but he was ignored.
“Come in guys.” Hyomin invited the guys in and Kikwang dragged Junhyung inside.

Junhyung looked around the dorm and found it to be empty, just the three of them. The party that Kikwang was talking about was obviously a lie, a complete set up, concocted by his member standing next to him with a victorious smirk on his face.

“I thought there was a party tonight.” Junhyung asked Kikwang.
“I lied. Hehe.” Kikwang smiled. “I just wanted to get you over here.”
“What the hell are you doing?” Junhyung whispered into Kikwang’s ear and then turned to Hyomin who had a smile on her face.

“I made dinner.” she pointed to a table set up for two in the dining room. “Are you guys hungry?” she asked, her question directed for Junhyung only.

“Yeah. He’s starving.” Kikwang answered for Junhyung who was starting to piece together what’s happening. “Come on man. Go sit down.” Kikwang pushed Junhyung toward the chair and pushed him to sit down.

“Great.” Hyomin looked at Kikwang and hinted to Kikwang toward the door, signaling for him to leave.
“Oh. I forgot. I have a date with Hyuna. She’s probably waiting for me right now. So I’m gonna go.”

“I’ll go with you.” Junhyung started to get up but Kikwang pushed him back down.
“No stay. Hyomin made all these food. It would be horrible for it to go to waste. Just stay and have dinner with her. I’ll be heading out first. And Junhyung, I’ll take the van back first. You probably won’t need it tonight.” he winked at Hyomin who was now blushing, hint of red on her face matching the hint of red in Junhyung’s eyes, showing his anger.

“Bye-yum.” and with that, Kikwang was gone, his plan executed perfectly.


“So.” Hyomin started nervously. She has been sitting across Junhyung for over thirty minutes now and it had been awkward to say the least. Junhyung just sat there, not saying much and not eating anything, looking as if he would rather be anywhere else in the world but there at the moment.

“It was really great running into you and Hyungseung the other day.” Hyomin tried to make conversation which only got a tight smile in return. “Soyeon and Hyungseung really seemed to hit it off too.”

“That’s impossible. He likes Gayoon.” Junhyung answered quickly.
“Are you sure? Because he has been calling Soyeon ever since that night.” Junhyung looked at Hyomin.Hyungseung and Soyeon? What happened to Gayoon? Honestly, he had been so wrapped up in his own drama with Hyuna that he had been totally clueless with what’s going on with everyone else.

“That night, I think it started a lot of things.” Hyomin started. “I mean, it started a lot of feelings. Didn’t it?” Junhyung took a sip of his water and shrugged.
“Sure. I guess.”

“I know it did for me. This is kind of embarrassing to say but ever since that night….aigoo. I think I have feelings for you. I even had Hyuna give you my number.” Junhyung suddenly seemed to perk up at the mention of Hyuna and Hyomin seemed to noticed.

“DId she give it to you?” Hyomin asked, wanting to make sure that her so-called friend did what she asked her to do.
Junhyung couldn’t stop himself from thinking back to that night. The night that Hyuna gave him Hyomin’s number. He remembered everything perfectly, as if it happened last night instead of several nights ago. He remembered how Hyuna’s lips tasted, how she felt under his touch, how he felt kissing her. It was something he couldn’t get out of his head.

“Junhyung?” Hyomin’s voice broke him out of his thoughts. “Are you ok?”
“I got to go.” Junhyung said, standing up. Hyomin stood up too.

“I just…I can’t. I’m sorry.” Junhyung said but was stopped by Hyomin grabbing his hands.
“Why? Why can’t you? I told you I like you. I confessed to you. Why can’t you accept me?”

Junhyung didn’t answer but instead just stood there, emotionless.
“Is there someone else you like?” Hyomin asked, her voice small. “There is isn’t there?”

Junhyung looked away. “I’m sorry.”
“Yong Junhyung. Tell me who it is. Tell me who it is that you like.”
“I can’t tell you. I’m sorry Hyomin but I just see you as a friend.”

Hyomin started to tear up. “But Kikwang told me you liked me. He told me that you had feelings for me too. That’s why he offered to help me. Why would he lie to me?”

Junhyung thought it over in his mind, his anger growing by the second. Why did Kikwang offered to help Hyomin when he had no idea how Junhyung felt about Hyomin? Why did Kikwang dragged him here to her dorm in this lame set up? Why would Kikwang do it?

“I don’t know.” he mumbled to himself. He shrugged himself out of Hyomin’s grip and made his way out of the apartment.

“Hyuna!” Junhyung suddenly stopped at the word. “It’s Hyuna isn’t it? The person that you like is Hyuna.”

Junhyung turned back to face Hyomin, unable to say anything. “You like Hyuna.” It was more of a statement than a question. Hyomin suddenly pieced everything together in her mind. Junhyung likes Hyuna, Kikwang is dating Hyuna, Hyomin likes Junhyung so Kikwang used her to get Junhyung away from Hyuna. She closed her eyes in frustrating, anger and embarassment. And judging by the look on Junhyung’s face, it looked like he figured it out too and he wasn’t too happy with it.

“I gotta go.” Junhyung’s voice was raspy, anger and hurt mixed in and he left the dorm, on his way to see Kikwang.


He opened the door in anger and found the person he was looking for immediately. He marched over to him and lifted him over by his collar, his eyes piercing with hatred.

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING LEE KIKWANG?” Yoseob was taken aback by Junhyung’s attack on Kikwang but even more surprised by how Kikwang didn’t look so shock or scared at all. Instead he had a satisfied smirk on his face. What was going on?

“I’m asking you Kikwang? What’s the big idea?” Junhyung’s hold on Kikwang tightened but didn’t seem to affect Kikwang.

“Junhyung. Stop it! Let Kikwang go!” Yoseob, the only member there, tried to loosened Junhyung’s grip on Kikwang but the rapper wouldn’t budge. “Let him go! What the hell is going on with you guys?”

“Why don’t you ask him?” Junhyung finally let Kikwang go and Kikwang shrugged it off.
“Kwangie, what’s going on? What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything.”

“Yeah right. You didn’t do anything. You freaking set me up. You had no right to do that.” Kikwang scoffed.
“I had no right?”
“Hyomin told me everything. How you offered to help her! How you told her that I liked her even though you knew shit about how I felt about her.” Junhyung yelled out, his frustration clearly showing.

“What?” Yoseob was still not following what’s happening. When did Hyomin get in the picture?

“Hey she liked you and I thought you should find someone. I was trying to help you and this is how you repay me?” Junhyung’s glare got colder.
“You were trying to help me?” Junhyung scoffed. “Yeah f***ing right. You were doing it for yourself and you know it!”

Kikwang suddenly saw red and couldn’t contain his anger toward Junhyung any longer.

“What if I was huh? What if I was? I had to do something to get your f***ing hands away fromMYgirlfriend.”
“I told you I would let her go.”

“REALLY? Is that why I saw you kissing her the other night in the park? Because you let her go.” the two were yelling at each other now, Yoseob unable to stop what was going on.
“You saw us?”

“Of course I freaking did. How dumb do you think I am? I saw everything Junhyung. How you were all over her. As far as I’m concerned, you are the one who effed up here! I’m just simply repaying you and keeping you away from my girlfriend.”
“So you just used Hyomin? That night what you saw was an one time thing.”

“I don’t give a damn if it was one time thing. It shouldn’t have happened!” Kikwang screamed. “I asked you specifically if you were ok with it. I even asked for your damn permission and you said yes. You let her go to me. I trusted you man. You were like my brother! I believed you even though my gut was telling me not to.”

Junhyung didn’t want to say anything. He just shook his head. “I did want to let her go. I did everything to forget about her. I wanted you to have her.”

“Yet, you were kissing her behind my back!”
“I’m sorry.” Junhyung whispered.

“I don’t give a damn if you’re sorry. Because you still kiss my girlfriend. MY GIRLFRIEND. And for that.” Kikwang suddenly punched Junhyung across the face. Junhyung fell back and landed on the floor with a thud. Yoseob immediately rushed over to Junhyung to help him up but Junhyung shrugged his helping hands off.

“Get up man.” Kikwang ordered. “Get up and take it like a man.”

Junhyung wiped the blood off his mouth and forced himself to get up and face Kikwang. Kikwang clenched his fist and punched Junhyung again.

“Kikwang. Stop it!” Yoseob interjected, stopping Kikwang from hitting Junhyung again.

“Yeah you would take his side Yang Yoseob! After all, you’re doing the same thing he is.” Kikwang turned his anger towards Yoseob.

A look of confusion swept over Yoseob’s face. “What are you talking about?”

“I saw you and Gayoon together. Of course you would defend that backstabber since you’re backstabbing Hyungseung with Gayoon yourself.”

Yoseob looked like he was punched in the gut by Kikwang himself, an expression of guilt and unbearable pain was written all over Yoseob’s face. He looked like a baby wounded by someone he trusted.

“Kikwang, leave Yoseob out of this. The person that you’re angry at is me.” Kikwang scoffed.

“WHAT THE HELL?” Doojoon, Hyungseung and Dongwoon walked into the mess going on in their dorms. Their eyes shifted from Yoseob who looked as if he was about to cry, Kikwang with such hatred in his eyes that they have never seen before with his fists clenched tight and Junhyung who was bleeding.

“TELL ME!” the leader took charge. “What’s going on?”
“Why don’t you ask him?” Kikwang pointed at Junhyung. Doojoon turned to Junhyung, anticipating an answer.

Junhyung sighed. “I messed up. I kissed Hyuna.” Doojoon closed his eyes, understanding everything.

“I knew this would happen.” the leader whispered to himself. “Kikwang, Junhyung let’s just calm down and talk about this.”

“No. I don’t need to calm down. And I certainly don’t want to talk to that traitor right there.”

“Kikwang sit!” Doojoon ordered. “We avoided for long enough. It’s time we solve this problem. NOW!”

The six members sat down on the floor, ready to solve this dilemma once and for all.

End of Chapter Nineteen. (Credits to

Take Care of My Girlfriend Chapter 18

Chapter 18 :

AT 4minute dorm

Sohyun sighed happily to herself as she turned off the T.V. How can a drama be so good? She thought to herself as she headed back to her room when the door opened again. She hit her forehead for forgetting to lock the door once again. She was surprised to find Kikwang walking in the door, with an unreadable expression on his face.

“Hey Oppa. I thought you went to the park. You didn’t find Hyuna unnie?” Kikwang snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at Sohyun.
“What? Oh I…I um didn’t go to the park. I went outside to get some air. That’s it.”

“Hyuna hasn’t come back yet?” Kikwang asked, even though he already knew the answer and knew exactly where Hyuna was. His heart hurt when he replayed the sight of Hyuna kissing Junhyung over and over in his mind. How can two people he loved so much betray him so badly?

“No. I guess her filming ran long. But oppa” Sohyun approached Kikwang and touch his shoulders in reassurance. “Don’t worry. Junhyung is with her. She’s safe.” Sohyun smiled and then retreated to her room.

Kikwang stood there and scoffed at Sohyun’s statement. Safe? Junhyung? He was pissed off to say the least. He was pissed off at the situation, Junhyung but for some reason he couldn’t hate Hyuna. He loved her too much to hate her. He decided that it must have been Junhyung’s fault, not Hyuna’s for what happened tonight. He repeated that in his mind, trying to make his head follow his heart.


Hyuna pushed Junhyung off, realizing what they were doing.
“OPPA!” She wiped her mouth off and stared down at Junhyung.
“I’m sorry.” Junhyung mumbled then walked off, leaving Hyuna there.

“UGH!!! You’re just gonna leave??” Hyuna cursed at the backside of Junhyung who was walking further and further away from her. She touched her lips after Junhyung walked away. The kiss was short but it felt so good. She felt so many things during the short moments, feelings she didn’t feel when she kissed Kikwang. That’s when she remembered Kikwang and a flood of guilt rushed to her.

“Damn it!” She cursed. She stood there, then finally decided that the kiss was just a one time thing that will never happen again.


“Unnie, you’re finally back?” Sohyun’s voice greeted Hyuna when she finally got back to their dorms.
“Yeah. You’re not asleep yet?” Sohyun shook her head.
“No I was watching Pasta and Kikwang barely just left.”
“Kikwang was here?” Hyuna was surprised. She searched her memories to see if her and Kikwang made any plans but she couldn’t think of any. “What was he doing here?”
“Find out for yourself.” Sohyun pointed Hyuna to the kitchen. Hyuna walked over to the dining table and found the food that Kikwang made for her. Tears began to form in her eyes as she thought about what she was really doing tonight with Junhyung.

“Yeah. He is so sweet isn’t he? But I don’t think you would want to eat it. After all Kikwang cooked it.” Sohyun laughed at her own joke but Hyuna just stood there, staring at what Kikwang made for her.
“No I’ll eat it. He made it for me and I’ll eat it.” Sohyun was surprised at Hyuna’s answer. Doesn’t she remember what happened the last time someone ate Kikwang’s cooking?
“Are you sure unnie?” Hyuna nodded. “Ok then I wish you luck. I need to get some sleep. Bye.” Sohyun went into her room.

Hyuna sat down at the table and took a bite out of Kikwang’s food. She gagged at the taste but forced herself to eat another as if it’ll help her relieve her guilt about kissing Junhyung.


Junhyung turned on the T.V, not able to sleep. He replayed the events of tonight over and over in his mind. It was so stupid of him to kiss Hyuna like that and he wanted to kill himself. He didn’t know what came over him, but seeing Kikwang and Hyuna kiss and hearing Hyuna talk about it just pushed him over the edge. And what’s worse? He just left her there like an idiot that he is. How can he just do that to her? He was worried about her, whether she made it home ok or not? But he knew he shouldn’t call her, he should just give her some time to cool off and maybe forget about the whole thing.

His thoughts were interrupted by Kikwang coming back to the dorms. Junhyung felt weird around Kikwang now, especially after tonight. He felt this huge sense of guilt for backstabbing Kikwang.

“Hey Junhyung.” Kikwang’s voice snapped Junhyung out of his thoughts.
“Hey Kikwang. Coming back now?” Kikwang smiled at Junhyung, not showing any tension.
“yeah. I went over to Hyuna’s dorms but she didn’t come back yet. Wait, wasn’t she with you?” Junhyung started to sweat, trying to think of a lie.
“Yeah. But I mean, I left faster than her so I’m not sure. I’m sure she’s ok though.” Junhyung added. Kikwang looked at him.
“Yeah.” Kikwang laughed. “It’s probably just me being overprotective. It’s just that I like her a lot hyung. And it would kill me if something happened to her.”
“I know. Kikwang.” Junhyung replied uneasily. “I know.”
“Well I’m gonna go sleep. Bye.” Kikwang left to their room.

Junhyung sat there on the couch, feeling like an even bigger asshole than before. “What am I gonna do?”


Kikwang closed the door and leaned on it. He barely managed to hide his anger in front of Junhyung and played nice. Seeing Junhyung act like there was nothing wrong just added to his anger. He knew exactly what he was gonna do to Junhyung and he is going to make sure Junhyung get hurt just like he did tonight.


At Mblaq’s Dorm

Kikwang took another sip of his beer and looked around at the party. It was Mblaq’s part and as usual they invited practically every idol they knew. He searched the room and saw Hyuna talking to Sohyun, the rest of Beast picking Joon and Mir. He remained in the corner, not wanting to socialize with anyone at all. He finished off his beer and walked over to the fridge to get another.

“Hey Kikwang.” He turned to the voice and saw Hyomin standing there, smiling. He did his best to smile back. “Another beer?” Kikwang nodded. “Can you get me one?” Kikwang grabbed two beers and gave one to Hyomin.

“Thanks.” Kikwang just nodded and was about to walk away when Hyomin followed him. “Wait, what’s wrong with you today?”
“Well normally, you are the most social person and today you seem so antisocial. Are you ok? Are you having problems with Hyuna?” Kikwang’s head immediately turned at the mention of Hyuna.
“How did you know we were dating?”
“Oh.” Hyomin chuckled. “Junhyung told me.”
“He told you? Why would he tell you?”
“Oh, don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. Junhyung just mentioned it when we ran into him and Hyungseung at the club the other night.”
“Really? You guys were at the club together?”

“Yeah. He was actually pretty out of it that night but he’s still so hot.” Hyomin blushed.
“You like Junhyung?” Kikwang asked, his mind filled with many thoughts.
“Yeah. I like him. I mean there’s just something about him that is so hot. Like he’s brooding all the time. That’s sexy. You’re gonna laugh at me and think I’m desperate but I even asked Hyuna to help me.”
“You asked Hyuna to help you?”
“They’re so close aren’t they? I figured Hyuna can help me. But nothing happened so far. I guess he’s not interested in me.”

An idea suddenly came into Kikwang’s mind.
“Oh, don’t worry. Hyuna has just been busy with her schedule lately. Junhyung is interested in you.”
Hyomin’s face light up. “Really? How do you know?”
“Junhyung has been acting strange lately and trust me, I know Junhyung. He always act weird when he likes someone. Don’t worry Hyomin, I’ll help you.”
“You will?”
“Trust me. You’re gonna get Junhyung in no time.” Hyomin jumped in joy and hugged Kikwang who had a smirk on his face.


“Ok Unnie, you can’t leave me.” Sohyun held onto Hyuna’s arm.
“Ahh, you’re hurting me Sohyun.” Hyuna tried to shook her arm out of Sohyun’s death grip.
“I’m sorry but I can’t. If I’m alone, Mir or Dongwoon is gonna come and talk to me and I can’t deal with them right now.”
“Ok sit.” They both sat down. “Tell me what’s going on with you? Who do you really like Sohyun?”
“I don’t know.” Sohyun confessed. “I was sure I liked Mir and was pissed off at Dongwoon but ever since he came and apologize the other day, I saw a new side to him. A more mature side.”
“He really does like you a lot. And I’m sorry but Mir isn’t that mature.” Hyuna pointed to Mir who was dancing along to IU’s Marshmallow. They both laughed at his antics. “Maybe you just need time to think. Think who did you originally like before the whole thing happened, you know before you got pissed off at Dongwoon. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find my boyfriend.” Hyuna left to find Kikwang.

Sohyun sat there by herself and thought about what Hyuna said. Who did she really like? She was so confused. Then she spotted both Dongwoon and Mir making their way over to her and she ran out of the party before they can come and talk to her.


Hyuna walked over to Kikwang and interwined their arms together, catching Kikwang off-guard. Kikwang turned to find Hyuna smiling and kissed his cheeks. He closed his eyes, feeling happy.

“Hey.” Kikwang put his arms around Hyuna. Hyuna had been extra affectionate with him lately and he knew that she was feeling guilty and trying to make it up to him. But he didn’t care what her intentions were, just as long as Hyuna is with him. He kissed her hair, hoping she’ll see how much he loves her.

“You’ve been quiet tonight. Are you ok?” Kikwang nodded.
“Yeah. I’m just tired. You know with all the filming and schedule.” Hyuna wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Yeah. Do you want to leave? And go somewhere else?”
“Yeah let’s go for a walk.” Kikwang grabbed Hyuna’s hand and left the party, not noticing Junhyung’s eyes watching them leave the whole time.

End of Chapter Eighteen. (Credits to

Take Care of My Girlfriend Chapter 17

Chapter 17 : Unexpected Rival

“Bye. You guys worked hard today!!” Hyuna bowed and greeted everyone and packed to leave Yoochiri and go back to Seoul. It was the end of another recording session for Invincible Youth. She really loves G7 and honestly the show showed a new side of her that people don’t really get to see.

She put on her jacket to shield herself from the winter cold and headed to the van to go home when she heard her name being called.

“HYUNA! HYUNA! WAIT!!!!” Hyuna turned around to find Hyomin running towards her, trying not to fall in the snow.
“Be careful Unnie! You’re going to fall!!!” Hyuna shouted as she caught Hyomin, saving her from falling on her butt.
“Thanks. I wanted to catch you before you leave.”
“Oh ok. Why?”

“Um, this is a little embarrassing. But I need your help.” Hyuna smiled and took notice of Hyomin’s blushing face.
“Sure. Anything for you.”
“Ok. Um can you give Junhyung my phone number?”

Hyuna was not excepting THAT!.

“Um, what?”
“Yeah. Can you give Junhyung my phone number?”
“You know Junhyung oppa?” Hyomin nodded.
“Yeah. We ran into him and Hyungseung the other night at a club and I think I….” Hyomin couldn’t contain her blushing face. “I really like him. I’m too shy to do this but I think he’s really cool and hot. Anyway I’m rambling on. So can you?”

Hyuna didn’t know what to say. She looked up to see Hyomin’s pleading eyes and nodded slowly. “Sure. I’ll give him your number.”

Hyomin jumped in joy and bear hugged Hyuna.
“Oh, thank you thank you thank you. You’re the best !!!!!”


Sohyun opened the door to find Dongwoon on the other side of her door. She was about to slam the door on his face.

“WAIT!!!” Dongwoon shouted, blocking the door with his hands. Unfourtunely, Sohyun couldn’t stop it in time and ended up slamming Dongwoon’s hands between the doors.

“OW!!!!!!!!!” Dongwoon screamed in pain. Sohyun opened the door immediately.
“OW!!! Do you hate me this much?” Dongwoon screamed.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry I didn’t see your hands.” Sohyun screamed as she grabbed Dongwoon’s hands to look at the injury. She grimaced as she see his fingers turning blue from the pain.

“I’m so sorry. Are you ok?” Sohyun asked as she ran into the kitchen to grab an ice pack. “Here.” she said as she placed the ice pack on top his finger.

She led him over to the living room and sat him down, tending to his injury.

“You know you deserve it though.” She broke the silence. Dongwoon smiled.
“yeah. I probably did. I really messed up didn’t I. that’s why I came here to apologize. Again.” Dongwoon said, looking at Sohyun who wouldn’t meet his eyes.

“I don’t even know why I did it.” he confessed. “It’s just that when I heard that you were going out with Bang Chulyong. That’s Mir’s real name by the way.”

“I knew that.” Sohyun rolled her eyes.

“Right. Anyway, I was jealous and when I get jealous, I do really stupid things like following you around on your date. I know I messed up. I’m sorry again.”

Sohyun thought about his apology. He did seem sincere and she DID injure him. She finally smiled and nodded.

“Fine. I accept your apology. But you better not do this ever again!” Sohyun warned him.
“You got it.” Dongwoon answered, happy that Sohyun finally forgave him. “So you’re going out with Mir again huh?” Dongwoon asked, taking in Sohyun’s expression. “I mean, I can ask you that right?”

“Yeah. You know what’s funny? I wasn’t even sure about going out with him in the first place. I mean I like him, he’s funny but I always thought I would end up with you.’

“ME?” Dongwoon asked, getting his hopes up. Sohyun nodded.
“Yeah. To be honest, I was confused. I didn’t know who I wanted to be with so I figured I should give Mir a chance.”

Dongwoon took in what Sohyun said. He had to be mature about this. No more scheming, planning and trying to sabotage Mir and Sohyun. All that matters is that Sohyun is happy. He sighed.

“Well, I really hope you’re happy with him. And I promise, I won’t involve myself with you two anymore.” Sohyun looked up at Dongwoon’s words.
“You know Sohyun, I really like you and I want you to be happy. And if that means letting you go to Mir, then I’ll do it.”

Sohyun looked at Dongwoon in surprise. She had never seen Dongwoon so sad or so MATURE before. Honestly, it was an eye opening thing for her. Maybe Dongwoon’s confession was the answer she was looking for.

“Dongwoon oppa.”
“I”ll go apologize to Mir too. I’m gonna go. Thanks for the ice pack.” Dongwoon said and left Sohyun without a word.

“OPPA!” Sohyun called out but it was too late. She plopped down on the couch, confused about her feelings for these two boys.


At Music Bank

“I can’t believe this is our goodbye stage already!!! I’m gonna miss it so much!!” Hyuna whined as she got ready for her last performance of Change. She was going to miss all the pelvis thrusting and dancing.

“I know. It’s been so fast.” Her make-up artist agreed as she applied Hyuna’s famous star “tattoo” near her eyes. “You look hot by the way.”

“Unnie.” Hyuna giggled. “Thanks.”
“So what are you gonna miss about being solo Miss Superstar?”
“Honestly, nothing. I like being solo but I miss the members. It’s so lonely being on stage by myself.”
“Well, you’re not completely alone. Junhyung is up there with you.”

“Yeah, only for like a second.” Hyuna said.
“What? That moment too short for you?” The makeup artist teased. “You want Junhyung for a long time? So you can touch him?”

“UNNIE!!! STOP!!” Hyuna said, embarrassed.
“Ok ok I’ll stop. But seriously you two are so hot together. every time you guys perform, I can hear other groups just staring at you two.”
“Really? Like who?”

“Well, last month, I was watching you guys, I saw Shinee members watching you. And I swear, I saw Jonghyun and Minho with their jaw dropped open. Even that Diva Key too.”
“Really?” Hyuna blushed.

“Yeah. Junhyung seems popular among girls idol too. I saw some girls checking him out.”

Hyuna growled inside her head. She felt her jealously growing at those words. Which was crazy since Junhyung wasn’t even her boyfriend.

“Like who?” Hyuna asked curious.
“Um, I don’t remember all of them but some of the After School girls. That girl with huge eyes.”
“You mean UEE unnie?”
“Yeah yeah yeah. Her and some other. Oh yeah Hyomin too. I saw her staring at Junhyung a couple of times.”

“Hyomin?” Hyuna asked, trying her best to conceal her anger and jealously. “I guess she really likes him.”
“oh it’s just Hyomin gave me her number. To give to Junhyung oppa the other day.”
“REALLY? I guess she really likes him then. What happened to her and Joon?”
“I don’t know. But I guess she likes Junhyung better.”

“So what did Junhyung say when you gave him her number?”

Hyuna looked down, avoiding her eyes. “UM, I haven’t given him the numbers yet.”
“Oh why?”

They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Hey, Hyuna. We’re on next. You ready?” Junhyung asked as he entered the dressing room, ready to perform.
“Yeah. Um give me a second. Oppa.” Junhyung nodded and took a seat on the couch. Junhyung turned his attention to Hyuna getting ready.

It was their last performance and he was sad. Even though he was tired, he really liked performing Change, mostly because performing it means having a little bit of alone time with Hyuna all to himself. Selfish he knows but he doesn’t care.

Nothing seems to be working. He had tried everything to get her out of his head but it’s like a disease. Every experiences that he had with girls seemed to be useless when dealing with Hyuna. Before whenever he was having girls problem like when he was trying to get over someone, he would just cuss her out, think of her bad points, then go to the club and drink until he throws up.

But with Hyuna, he really really tried doing that. He tried his best to find her bad points but any negative parts about her turned into a cute quirk that he loves, all the cuss words seem to vanish and unable to come out of his mouth.

He even went to the club with Hyunseung and drank a lot. The hangover the next day was proof that he drank more than he can take. But no matter what he did, he couldn’t get over Hyuna. You know the famous saying, You can never get over your first love.

He was so deep in thought that he didn’t even realize Hyuna waving her hands in front of his face. He finally snapped out of his thoughts.

“Oppa. We’re ready. Let’s go.” Junhyung got up and headed to the stage with Hyuna.


“Good work everyone!!” Hyuna and Junhyung greeted everyone as they made their way back to the dressing room.

“Ok Hyuna. Let me go grab myself and we’ll head out to dinner ok?” Hyuna nodded as Junhyung headed toward his separate dressing room.

She was walking to her dressing room when her make up artist came beside her, looking at her with a weird expression.

“What unnie?” Hyuna asked.
“We have to talk now!” the make up artist replied as she pulled Hyuna into her dressing room.

“What’s wrong unnie?” Hyuna asked as she was seated down on the couch.
“Ok Spill.”

“Don’t even think about lying to your unnie. I’m too experienced in this area to know when you’re lying. Now tell me what’s going on with you and Junhyung?”

“I saw that way he was staring at you when he was here earlier and I also saw the way you were staring at him. Now tell me what’s going on? Do you guys like each other? I thought you were dating Kikwang?”

Hyuna was shocked at how easily she figured it out.

“Am I that obvious?” Hyuna asked herself.
“Yeah. Too obvious. Now tell me everything.”

“AiiI!!! it’s not what you think!!!” Hyuna explained.
“Yeah right. I’ve known you for years Hyuna. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.”
“No it’s not true Mi Yeon Unnie.” Hyuna tried to deny it.

“You like Junhyung don’t you Hyuna? That’s why you haven’t given Hyomin’s number to him. You’re jealous.” Hyuna hung her head in shame at how transparent she was.

“I don’t even..know what I’m doing unnie. I mean I really want to give it to Junhyung but something’s stopping me from doing so.”
“yeah. It’s called jealously. You don’t want Junhyung to have the numbers so they can’t get together.”
“I’m really selfish aren’t I? I’m a horrible person.”

“NO you’re not Hyuna.”
“Unnie, how can you say that? I have a boyfriend you know. Kikwang. Yet I’m here trying to stop Junhyung from dating.”
“Look, Hyuna. To be honest, I don’t even know why you’re dating Kikwang when it’s pretty obvious that you really like Junhyung. All I had to do was to be in the same room as you two and figure it out. And no you’re not a horrible person. Just someone who’s confused.” Mi Yeon tried to comfort Hyuna.

“Also Hyuna, I’m older and I know more about this than you and trust me when I say Junhyung is totally in love with you too.”
“How can you tell? You just found out today.” Hyuna asked. Mi Yeon just smiled.
“I know the type like Junhyung. You know the bad boy types. The type that want you to think they don’t care when they really do. All I needed was to see how he was looking at you. And trust me girl, he’s sprung.”

“Really?” Hyuna asked, getting her hopes up. Mi Yeon looked at her.
“Yes. Now the question is what are you going to do?”
“I….I don’t know.”

“HYUNA!!!” Junhyung interrupted their conversation. “Ready?”
“Yeah. I gotta go Unnie.”
“Bye. “ Mi Yeon said, hugging Hyuna and whispered in her ears. “You’ll figure it out Hyuna. Pick who you really love. Bye.”

Hyuna nodded and left the dressing room, headed to dinner with Junhyung.


Kikwang exited the set of “High Kick through the Roof”, excited.

“Finally I’m done.” He said to himself and took out his phone and called his dorms. “Hey, Seobie, it’s me. Yeah. I’m done with filming. Listen, I’m not gonna come back to the dorms yet. Yeah I’m gonna stop by the supermarket then swing by Hyuna to cook her dinner. It’s gonna be a surprise. And don’t worry I’ll try to save some for you. What? Fine, no food for you.” Kikwang hung up.

Seriously he was a good cook and it was time that people should realize it, instead of running away in fear at the sound that he was cooking. Whatever, he wanted to surprise Hyuna. His happy thoughts followed him as he headed to the market.


“So you’re gonna have your comeback so soon?” Hyuna asked as her and Junhyung sat across each other.
“Yeah. I know it’s too soon. I barely finished this promotions and now we have a new one coming up.”
“So what? You hate promoting with me?” Hyuna teased.

“Of course not. I love it. Don’t tell this to Doojoon and Yoseob but I like you more than them.”
“Oppa, you’re such a liar.” Hyuna laughed.
“It’s true.” Junhyung insisted, pouting his lips.
“Well I like you more than Doojoon and Yoseob too.”
“Now who’s lying?”

“It’s true. I like you more than them combined.” Hyuna said, causing Junhyung to smile.
“Of course. I’m the Beast Joker.”


Kikwang looked out of the window for the hundreth time that night, waiting for Hyuna to come back. He had cooked an amzing dinner for her and she still hasn’t come back and it was almost midnight.

“Shouldn’t she be back by now?”

“Don’t worry Oppa. She’s always late like this.” Sohyun comforted Kikwang.
“Yeah. Probably. She’s too busy huh? Anyway Sohyun, I have some chicken left. Do you want to try some?” Kikwang asked, shoving a plate of his chicken in front of Sohyun’s face. Sohyun’s face immediately turned green at the sight of the food.

“Actually Oppa. I already ate and I’m allergic to chicken. Sorry.” Sohyun said then immediately ran into her room, escaping from Kikwang’s food and another trip to the hospital.


“Oh my god. There are so many stars tonight!!!!” Hyuna shouted as she stared at the night sky, amazed at millions of stars out tonight. Junhyung looked up too and smiled.

“Ooh ooh, there’s a shooting star. Make a wish Oppa. Make a wish.” Hyuna shouted then closed her eyes and made a wish. Junhyung listened to Hyuna and made a wish of his own.

“WOW!! I hope my wish comes true. What did you wish for Oppa?”
“if I tell you now, it wouldn’t come true would it?”
“Ok ok I get it.” Hyuna pouted.

“it’s nice to be in here with you though. This is my favorite place.” Hyuna said as she ran to the swings. Junhyung followed her and pushed her on the swings.

“Yeah. Ever since I was little, I would always come here. It’s so fun. Especially at night, when there’s no one here.”
“Yeah that’s true. We’re the only two in here right now.”
“Yep. No cameras, no creepy guys hiding waiting to take pictures like they did in Daegu.”

“Don’t even remind me about that.” Junhyung said, wanting to forget everything that night led to…mainly Hyuna and Kikwang’s first kiss.

“Yeah. That was pretty interesting.” Hyuna got off of the swings. She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself.
“Here.” Junhyung wrapped his jacket around Hyuna and rubbed her arms, hoping to warm her. “You can’t get sick again. You scared me too much last time.”

“Of course. Do you know how I felt when I found you lying on the ground?” Junhyung asked, remembering the traumatic events of finding Hyuna passed out. “I went out of my mind, thinking something really bad had happened to you. The nurse even told me to shut the hell up.”

Hyuna laughed. “Really? She told you to shut up?”
“Yeah. I believe she said “Hey girly, if you don’t shut up, I’m gonna shut you up myself” Pretty scary nurses they have at that hospital.”
“You must been really scared for them to say that to you.”
“Of course. I don’t know….I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. And yeah I know you weren’t going to die right there but I wouldn’t be able to take it.” Junhyung confessed, making Hyuna’s heart beat faster than ever.

“Me too. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you too.” She sighed. “and I guess that’s why I haven’t given you this.” Junhyung looked at her confused. Hyuna took out a piece of paper from her sweater.

“What’s this?” Junhyung asked, grabbing the piece of paper from her.
“It’s Hyomin’s number. She asked me to give it to you last week.”
“Last week?”

“Yeah. And I’m sorry that I didn’t give it to you sooner but I guess I thought if I did…I would…
“You would what?”
“I would lose you to Hyomin.”

“I don’t want to lose you. And I know I don’t have the right to say that but I guess I was just jealous. Anyway I’m sorry.”

Junhyung didn’t say anything but just stared at her.

“She really likes you, you know? You two will be great together.” Hyuna said, trying to be happy for Junhyung.
“You and Hyomin, you two will really be good together.”

“No we won’t. I don’t want her number.” Junhyung said.
“What? Why? She really does like you.”
“I don’t give a damn whether or not she likes me.”
“You don’t like her?” Hyuna was surprised at his answer.
“No. I just ran into her at the club the other night. Her and her members were all over us. I have no feelings towards her.” Junhyung said straight out.

“Why?” Hyuna asked confused. “Hyomin unnie is really cool. And she’s pretty and nice. Why don’t you like her?”



“OMO! She’s still not back yet?” Sohyun came out of her room again to find Kikwang sitting on the couch, watching T.V. At this rate Kikwang was never going to leave and probably will end up staying the night at 4minute Dorms and will hog the TV.

That is something that can’t happen. Pasta was on tonight and she can’t miss it.

“You know she usually likes to walk in the park sometimes at night.”
“WHAT?” Kikwang immediately sat up. “At night? BY herself? Aigoo. What is she thinking? It’s not safe for her. Aish.”

Kikwang nagged as he put on his jacket and went to the park to find Hyuna.


“Why do you think I don’t care about Hyomin? Or any other girl for that matter.”
“I don’t…I don’t know.” Hyuna answered softly, avoiding Junhyung’s eyes.

Junhyung grabbed her face and tilted it so that she would look at him.

“You know exactly why. You know that you’re the reason.”
“Yes! You!! You Kim Hyuna is the reason why I don’t give a damn about Hyomin or any other girl.” Junhyung shouted, letting his frustration out.

“Junhyung, we already went over this. We agreed to be just friends remember?” Hyuna bit out, trying to control her emotions.
“I know I know. It was way harder than I thought it would be. I really thought us being just friends would be better. And that given time, I would get over you. But I….” Junhyung sighed. “I can’t. No matter how hard I tried.”

“It was your idea to be just friends.” Hyuna said.
“I know it was my idea. But do you have any idea how hard it is to see you be with Kikwang so easily when I’m in pain? I want to see you be happy. I do but seeing you with Kikwang is slowly killing me.”
“You think I have it easy? You think it’s easy for me to be with Kikwang?” Hyuna asked. “Of course it’s not easy for me to be with him. You have no idea how I feel when I’m with him.”

“I feel like I’m the worst human being ever whenever I’m with Kikwang. I feel guilty when he’s nice to me, which he always is. It’s not easy for me too you know Junhyung. I’m like carrying this guilt around all the time with me. Trying so hard to be happy with Kikwang and trying so so so hard not to think about how it would feel to be with you.” Hyuna shouted, letting all her frustration out.

Junhyung just scoffed. “Yeah it must be really hard for you. I’m sure kissing Kikwang would help make forgetting me easier didn’t it?’
“What?” Hyuna asked.
“I saw you guys kissing the other day. Talk about hard.”
“You saw us?”
“Of course I did. I was coming to comfort you after we got back from Daegu and when I walked in to the lounge, there you were with Kikwang kissing.”
“I didn’t know that. I didn’t see you.”

“No surprise there. You had your face glued to Kikwang’s to notice me.”
“And what? You’re angry about it? You’re angry that I kissed Kikwang?”

“I couldn’t get that sight out of my head. I still can’t.”
“Well what do you except? Kikwang is my boyfriend. Of course we’re going to be kissing sooner or later!” Hyuna shouted.

“I know that!!!” Junhyung shouted also. “ OF course I freaking know that. But it doesn’t make it easier!!”
“You’re the one who pushed into his arms!!!”
“I know what I did Hyuna. Cause I think about it everyday. The thought of you and Kikwang, I think about it everyday!!! I can’t get it out of my head. I swear the members want me on drugs. They think I’m depressed or something.”

“Well honestly you should take medication cause you’re confusing me!!! You’re making me crazy Junhyung. I don’t know what you want from me anymore. Just tell me!!! Just tell me what you want!!!!!!!”

Hyuna screamed but her screams were interrupted by Junhyung’s lips crushing against her own. She opened her eyes in shock at the sensation of Junhyung’s lips on her. Pretty soon, she couldn’t resist him as she closed her eyes, losing herself in his kiss.

They both have been waiting so long for this. Their first kiss. Junhyung couldn’t stop himself and closed his eyes, trying to memorize this moment in his mind. Hyuna and Junhyung were both too deep into their kiss that they didn’t notice someone standing there watching them.


Kikwang stood there, next to the bushes as he watched his girlfriend kiss his best friend. He clenched his fists in anger, betrayal and rage and it took all of his control not to run over to them and beat Junhyung up.

“You’ll pay for this!” Kikwang said as he turned around, leaving the sight of the two lovers in the park.
“You’re gonna pay for this Junhyung!”

End of Chapter Seventeen.
(Credits to